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Das Weltkulturerbe

The World-Cultural-Heritage

in 2024

Part of a fairy tale

Future prospects

Ursula Kaiserin, Ruebenkoppel 1, 23564 Luebeck

To the Embassy of the

Republic of Turkey

Rungestr. 9

10179 Berlin

Germany, Luebeck, 14 June 2002

That German-language document you may find here!



Clothing / Language

Please let that German-language letter be translated in many languages and be handed over to the rright places. The latest free English translated you may find here!


Nobody should be patronised in his or her personality or outward appearance, but for the first time a basis for a possible order and classification must be given, because it is a worldwide, uniform culture. (The status of the German 50s should be strived for in this respect).

Dear Muslim Women!

When you receive this letter, many of you should already be aware of the existence of your Authority, which consists of three people.

Your Empress visited an Islamic country, Turkey, in June 2002 in order to help you out of your culture, which you will certainly already have understood.

In all, it is about a normal life and a future, linked by an unique fairy tale that is to be fulfilled. As Muslims, you also have your fairy tales, which often deal with major miracles involving well-known legendary figures, spirits or gods.

The oriental fairy tales of 1001 Nights from the Orient are familiar to us Westerners; these fairy tales differ from our fairy tales in the moral of the stories; at least our fairy tales always have a moral and usually deal with good and evil.

So it is through fairy tales that people learn how their ancestors thought and acted many years ago, but also what fears, dreams and fantasies our ancestors had.

But now we are all in the year 2002* and no longer believe in fairy tales, and yet your Empress claims that a fairy tale could come true for everyone. The fulfilment of this fairy tale will depend on whether all the master countries stand together and obey their Authority.

Much will be demanded of each individual, especially if he or she come from a completely different culture to the Authorities*, such as people from Africa, Asia, Oceania, Greenland and South America.

Now, people of all cultures have already spread all over the world and some have also been connected to a foreign culture (marriage/ children/ family), often resulting in the birth of beautiful people called hybrids.

TV also connects people so that no one is surprised to see a person of a different race and culture. Now the unique fairy tale, which strictly speaking also lies between contemporary history* and a fairy tale, demands an uniform culture, which also includes clothing.

This dress code for women, which is the subject of this letter, is not currently practised consistently in any country, so no one need be alarmed.

Men will also receive a separate supplementary letter below*, about the uniform dress code*, so women should be informed first.

Wearing a headscarf makes a woman look much older and covers the actual headdress; the hair. Very rarely does a woman look appealingly good when wearing a headscarf, whereby at least the forehead must be visible and often the hair as well.

Without a headscarf, you will probably not like yourself at all, especially if you are an older or elderly woman. The veil has become a quality of life for many women, as it can also conceal a woman's age.

You will have to do without slowly but surely, with a corresponding change to your face and also to some of your hair.

You should only change in the way you are naturally meant to be; this means that your appearance will match your soul and you will have to slowly do without your headscarf and veil.

The mirror should play a certain role in this very special miracle, in which you should look more often until you like yourself and trust yourself to go out the door without a headscarf and without a veil, because the second fairy tale is called:

Mirror, mirror on the wall..........., whereby a born queen will not appear in the fairy tale, but there is probably a married-in Queen in this fairy tale.

The face is the most important thing for every girl and every woman. This mainly includes the teeth, skin, skin colour, eyes, nose, mouth, head shape, followed by height, body weight, legs and feet, hands and so on.

The latter will change accordingly for almost everyone together, with the face changing slightly or significantly at first, but slowly and only as everyone is naturally meant to be, so that people feel comfortable in their own skin.

We are not all supposed to win a beauty contest, but it will give everyone a great sense of satisfaction from his or her own point of view, and also their own security.

Women should wear skirts and dresses all over the world, with the length of the dress and skirt reaching at least above the knee.

In this way, a woman remains interesting for her husband even when she is already 40, 50 and up to 60 years old and later on, an older woman is characterised by her experience, wisdom and closeness to her husband.

An older woman can also look very attractive with grey or even white hair. Girls should be allowed to wear short skirts and dresses as well as dresses that reach above the knee.

Teenagers should then slowly keep to the specified knee length, also because they will soon be women and should take precautions to remain interesting for their husbands as mature women.

Also, a woman often looks very good in trousers, but hopefully there will soon be real men again who will prefer to see a woman in a skirt, your Empress is quite sure of that.

My person cannot answer the question of trousers with certainty, but your Empress can say one thing with certainty: If trousers are to be worn by a woman, then these trousers must clearly emphasise the female figure, otherwise the wearing of men's trousers is no longer permitted.

A girl may not wear boys' trousers either. The zip on a girl's trousers must be on the side and not on the front as on a boy's trousers. These essential little things can make a big difference, so obedience is required.

Women generally wear nylon stockings or nylon tights if the season permits. In summer, of course, you can do without them. The shoes must be clearly different in shape and then of course also in size from men's shoes; it should of course still be possible to make the shoes comfortable.

Excessively long coats, dresses and skirts are not desired, unless it is a matter of festive dress, whereby in future no one is to dress as a queen, unless it is the Queen.

Only an older woman who already has grown-up children and grandchildren will be allowed to wear real jewellery with small jewels, which she can later pass on to her daughters-in-law or daughters, but they will not be allowed to wear the jewellery in public until they reach the appropriate age.

Nowadays, even the little spoilt toads are adorned with glitter and glamour; it makes you wonder what will happen to these people later on!

A woman should only be allowed to wear a real piece of jewellery in front of younger people when she can demonstrate a corresponding achievement throughout her life, but this does not have to be part of an older woman's standard attire; quite the opposite; it is only a "may", but not a "must"!

We will all only go through the fairy tale once the entire body has been slowly and carefully "overhauled", which can certainly only be completed at the end of the old era, whereby each spouse will then only reconfirm the marriage or union that has already been concluded (mutual confirmation) in retrospect or there must be an amicable separation, whereby it is essential to think of the children together and give them priority.

One thing you should know: As soon as sexual intercourse is consummated, the union is considered finalised before our Lord and Creator. For this reason, you will then receive further instructions and orders, although a suitable letter already exists.

In the opinion of your Empress, the change to an unified culture will take place in a similar way, whereby all languages will slowly and unconsciously change into the German language without people having to forfeit their unique personality.

Later, every person will then receive his or her linguistically adapted* name in writing from our Lord and Creator and will know that the name is correct, or so your Empress assumes.

Please pass the letter on to other embassies as well, as it does not only address Muslim women, but all other cultures as well.

i. A.

ii. Empress


As you can easily see, there is a plan that could be realised. The possible interchange of the wedding couples has been addressed. Of course, this does not apply to every marriage that has already been concluded for eternity, although in paradise* another exchange or review will take place.

Especially if you have children to care for together, there will probably be no exchange on earth, but there will be a new beginning for every marriage.

However, the whole matter is connected with the co-operation of mankind, whereby man has come into a leading position!!! !

Expression corrected* 2016-02-02/  2024-28-02.

Letters and information: The letters are written for all humans worldwide.

Supplementary letter

Dear Reader,

As already announced, men will also benefit from a physical correction, as it was intended to be complete by nature.

Especially the height and stature as well as the voice and of course also the headdress or full hair are part of this correction. Men's clothing is essentially centred on long trousers and waistcoats, a jacket and coat. Only hats or peaked caps or woollen caps are intended as headgear for men.

A complete overhaul of all physical ailments and all blemishes of the face and teeth are included as with all other people. A correction or a slightly possible change of all types of people is part of this project, as is necessary for unity.

This means that the change will mainly affect the colour of the skin and the structure of the hair, but in some races in particular the facial features or characteristics of a race, such as the lips or the nose, the shape of the head and in some races also the shape of the eyes, will be corrected.

There will only be a perceived favourable change for the person concerned, which belongs to the personality or soul of the person, just as the German language will certainly belong to all people and fit well.

Unfortunately, this is still a long way off, as my person still has to wait for you and others, as well as for her hard-earned pocket money, so that the realisation of the matter can take place at the right time for a great many people through the " interchange or assignment of the wedding couples".


*Luebeck, 26 February 2024

All this and more is an absolute requirement in the matter and commission of the Lord and the Creator of us all and requires a lot, as it is a new beginning or new start in the history of mankind.